Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am so sorry to say but it seems as if some words in the english language have lost their meaning... unfortunately. Now besides this issue that i obviously want to talk about.... words like 'might' 'maybe' 'almost' you knw words that depict that there is a lack of 'certainty' if that word has not lost its meaning as well...are now words that show a firm assertion...and most people just push this assertion to mean 'YES' That issue for one has been on my mind for a while...just thought to share...who feels me?!?
You dont? Thats ok...if other people did it would not be a problem and i would not have shared it...

Now the issue at hand: A client...infact the first client i ever had in this company...that gave me hell and made me feel so inadequate...contacted me yday saying they needed me to do another job for them based on the contract we had with them earlier. I was pissed off initially cause i mean they gave me grief the first time and frustrated all my efforts. Also i did not know of any formal agreement existing with them anyway so i forwarded the email to my boss and he didnt get back to me till later on explaining that they where talking about pay! Ok so they want the pay to be the same as it was last i asked my boss if we where taking it (of course i knew we where taking the brief...just had to ask) and he said yes. "Just let them know the payment has to change especially cuz of the grief given last time. However i would like you to call and discuss with them..."this was after i had drafted an email giving all this info. So i made the call and the lady says ok she would need to discuss in house and get back to me. She would just need for me to put it in writing so she has something to refer to.
Ladies and Gents i would like to let you knw that my boss did not indicate that there was something wrong with the email in the first place. He wanted me to talk to them first. So i sent the email to her (i could just as easily have been discussing still...especially as i just wrote down exactly what i had said) Ok maybe i should have told my boss again before sending it but i thought to take initiative *bite me*
So i sent it and i was waiting for them to get back to me so i could revert to my boss!

Then my boss called me like an hour or so later asking if i had called i said yes. He asked when i was going to revert i now explained what happened and i was going to talk to him when they got back to him. He asked why i emailed them. I then had to repeat that she asked for it . He asked why he was not copied... In my experience if you are asked a question you give an answer so i said it was because i had sent him the exact email before. He said that was not enough reason not to copy him...ok...mistake made...i think...
He then asked why i even sent the email...i said it was because the lady needed the information to discuss it in house...he now says he wont be surprised if they say they dont wanna do business with us after the email...because he said something was wrong with the email in the first place!!! HA!!! See me o! He didnt o! But ok...i have found bosses need to tell themselves somethings to guarantee some sort of security 4 themselves. SO far as i have not been accused of stealing or anything along those lines...i would deal. He now went on a rant of how im just givin alibi's and excuses when really i should have accepted i made a mistake. This man was askin me questions and giving pauses 4 me to answer 4 Gods sake! Im not saying i didnt do something wrong (let me not lie im still unsure about this...but i didnt give the impression that i thought i was beyond reproach) He now said "do u understand what i said or do u need me to explain? I mean if we lose the account its nothing to lose sleep over.... we all make mistakes. Im still making mine so its no worry. Just need you to realise you made a mistake" WHAT THE ARRANT F***??!?! Oh well i said yes i understand...apologised and walked i pissed off??

1 comment:

  1. ouch!!!
    pele tola u said...errone (especially bosses) has to shift blame. in any case, don't let this stop u from takin the initiative but MAKE SURE u go back to ur boss and tell him how YOU saw it! admit ur mistakes, he doesn't have to condone what u did still but if he at least understands your thought process, it goes a long way towards thinkin better of u kk? clearly by 'go back' i mean tmr or su;in! bt really tho make surr u clear d air! u dnt want him to keep referrin to this in the comin weeks (u kno that one wud PASS annoying!!!)
    the Lord is ur strength...keep calm!! Gal 5:22 xoxo
