Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This i wrote a while ago....wanted to modify it just now but i ges i wud just write somn else and leave this unadulterated! Hu i had in mind when i wrote this i really cant remember...thats if there was anyone to be honest but yea...i really feel this way when i think about my future Mr. Me!! He hu shall see me nd even in my irregularities love me...and want 2 do everything to make me Mrs. Him! Cuz i would do same and much more... God wiling

He would recognise me and I him
By that light that God would not let dim
We would understand each other and complement each other
Have more than deep loving feelings for each other
I have been thinking about him for so long
Day in and day out...not in a way that is wrong
His smile, his sweet voice, his words of encouragement
The way I would always be given acknowledgement
How he wisely talks to me andturns to God at all times
How with me he is always able to read between the lines
The way we would love each other
And know that Gods way and not ours is better
The way he would be my rock and I his
The way I know when it comes to him I aim to please
How he appreciates the little that I do
How when I’m feeling low he says “My baby I love you but most importantly Jesus loves you too”
The way our kids think he is the best
How they understand that “yes from us....daddy expects nothing less"
How my opinions matter in decisions that need to be made
How I respect his personal decisions even though my hopes may be re-slated
How I respect and treat him like the king I know God has made him to be
How I can be humble before him and know that he will always love me
God bless you baby, I love you and I know my heart beats strongly for you daily
You are my husband, my friend, my God sent, my shining star
I pray for you every day for only God knows where and who you are

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