its not the usual... this kinda goes with my current mood that i hope i dont deal with...unlike that which i usually feel...dont try too hard to get it just enjoy the post...
Yea it says edible people...people i would eat if they were food...well not necessarily *smirk* yea its purely superficial...or maybe not. Cuz there are some people i would love to eat cuz of their words/lyrics (yea you guessed only talking about artistes/celebrities/people EVERYBODY seems to know 4 no reason here...dont get it twisted i know some people on a personal level that i would luv to eat but know what judgement is like plus im not about to make proud people prouder)
Oh yes this isnt just about men...i could eat some beautiful women too... shall we? Amen!
This man stays steady on my mind...IDRIS ELBA!!! Worraheck! Last night was with a few people and i could NOT keep quiet when this man came on TV!

Can i get an AMEN for the GOOD LORD creating such! Yea...somehow...i can here that Amen from so many women sending good vibrations around the world... We are thankful no. And i dunno y but he is a LONDON BOY and that just gets me with the accent and every! When did that start with me sef... *shrugz* NEXT PLATE OF YUM?!?!
I just remembered this fellow...he came out with this group and i dunno what it heart beat faster when i saw him... He doesnt ooze sexy o! Not from his nostrils but oh no...i dreamt of this man...i think it also had something to do with him bearing a striking resemblance to a crush (someone i actually know)i had at the was deep friends! Plus i jus saw this prettiful foto of him *cheese*

Cupids Chokehold video...see him in there...especially at the slow bit where Katy Perry is like "the only girl in the crowd" he jus looked soo adorable! And i lav his hair!!! *sigh*
As i proceed...i wud have u know that this list is in no particular order...the names come to me as i remember random "jizz" moments...and there have been a lot of them... *ahem*
A woman jus came to mind....her name is Kerry Washington...yes...i am straight ladies and gentlemen...but i would never EVER hate on a beautiful woman...i appreciate them when the need feature or entirety! I have also been known to be cross eyed when spotting women that are fine or whatever....LOOK UR OWN I WILL LOOK MY OWN! *ahem*

Her lips....dunno if she has EVER had any work done to them but...they speak to me Plus you seen her in the 'Bad Habit' video...its by Maxwell....sheeeee....kaaaiiiii! The female has an inner bank of sexiness that never runs dry. In my very personal opinion...please feel free to disagree...
********************** NOW SCREECHING **********************
Now Jessica Alba's body is terrific no? Thought so...however i would not like to eat her....maybe as a snack? She has this homely thing going on that doesnt scream 'Overdose on me!!!' Like this is one of her attempts to be sexy but... that i have had a rethink....i could eat her...quite a bit more than i thought previously actually....a plate or 2 no? Yea...i think i shall...
The man COMMON...y you have given your being such a contrasting name i would not understand but we have come to know and luv it as your own... Y do i luv this man...y wud i wanna get fat on this man? Let me count the ways... is it the bald head? could it be his arms...his shoulders? The fact that he looks so sexy and mean when he has a gun in his hand (This in no way means that i encourage violence or possession of fire arms...i just think guns...can be sexy *iShrug*) Could it be that he lukd like such a hunk of a man carrying Alicia Keys out of the building in 'Smoking Aces'...or jus that glare he can have sometimes or or...cud it just be his lyrics and his delivery??? What can it be o!!! TELL MEEE SOMEBODY!
However...y did he get with Serena??? Anyone?!? No?? Yea i figured cuz i didnt get it myself...but alas they r not together anymore...balance has therefore been restored! Amen

Now y on earth would you be hot...have a cute amazing smile...DIMPLES!!!! And then be singing about sex everyday?!?!? Its unfair...yes he now has tatoo's again and when he is 'interactin' with females in a video...'EISH!' Can a nigga shout STEAMY!!!??? Yes it is Trey Songz i speak of pipo!!! KAI!!! And that song 'Scratching me up' Anyway...God will forgive him...and me...Amen!

That in my opinion is a standard reaction to this man....i mean...he is a human being 4 goodness sakes!!! Sigh....
Now...last but not least! The Kardash sisters...albeit 1!!! Now I would eat all of em... they are em...endowed women...their endowment is African in nature! Bet KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN CAN BE A FRUMPY MAMA! Standing in one place she is real pretty but em when she starts walking?!?! Smh... Ahah! Her carriage is WACK! she doesnt carry her blessing well! Haba! So yea...i wud be having her for tea...if at all... sorry Kourt...ur baby is the CUTENESS btw...looks like ur daddy awww *sniff* (Yes...u are not reading this but i watch ur show so damn much i mite as well be at ur house in Miami b!)
Now Kim and Khloe...could be eaten... 3 times a day...without the doctor ordering me to do shyt! However i wud be having Khloe between meals and as a midnite snack thank you very much!

I hear you ask me y in the world i would wanna eat Khloe more than sexy cat Kim? I tell u this...a woman thats...bigger than most...and carries it well...does it 4 me! Plus i luv her personality...yea she is really lewd sometimes but she is just bubbly and tingz...and she just gets soo cute with Lamar Odom! Yea! Contrary to what most have said...i dont think she bares any semblance to a tranny...not 1 bit...

Isnt she beautiful...she is now on that 'realest shit' again... sigh... i am a gredge 4 her!
This ladies ,gentlemen and those who think im 'somehow' right now, concludes my first in a few musings on people i do not know personally and have dreamt that i would some day meet and...and do...other things with *side eye...ahem* Yes!
The next 1 may not come immediately after this...or it might...or it might never come at all since it seems i have a disrespect for continuity (in my mind)...
Before you say it and think that it will pain me...waste not your time... 4 i already know...that as much as i would prefer to be normal... I AM NOT!
And em to you dirty minds...'Eating' as i have used it so many times in this article has nothing to do with what a typical dirty minded individual would think of! Not like i know what it means myself in its entirety just yet (even tho i came up with it) its not...entirely sexual...
Wow...*sweet release* loL